Sunday, 2 November 2014

Camera Settings - Exposure

When I am researching how to get the best out of your camera, I have learnt there are 3 points that will make the shot look perfect. This is called the exposure of the shot. Including 3 points which are the 'ISO' the 'Aperture' and 'Shutter Speed'

High ISO will create grain and will show less detail. You are forced to go to a higher ISO when there is little lighting. To make sure I don't go to high ISO I will ensure my shoots are nicely lit to avoid this problem.

Shutter Speed controls the duration of the exposure. There is a'180' rule which says your shutter speed must double your frame rate in order to create the best video. I am going to shoot at 25fps so therefore shall keep my shutter speed at 50.

Aperture controlsthe area of where the lights enter your camera. The higher the aperture the shallower the depth of field (flatter image). The lower the aperture the deeper the depth of field, giving a cinematic look where the subject is in focus and anything other than the subject point is heavily blurred. Depending on my shot planned depends on the aperture set, a mixture of both creates a nice feel to a video.

I learnt through researching and this video explains it in depth.


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