Saturday, 15 November 2014

Editing - Transitions

All my transitions were straight cuts. I think this worked very well and was done on purpose. This way it doesn't distract the viewer from the story, nothing is complicated so the story can be portrayed in exaclty the way I wanted it too.

Shot size was a very important factor in my music video to create tension in wanted areas, to die down the tension in specific areas. For example really quick cuts were it is intense when they're fighting or taking drugs, but when happy, longer calmer shots showing off their emotion. This worked very well and corresponded perfectly to the song which was very significant in my music video.

One method I used to help me with this was to put markers in my edit to follow the structure of the song. This outlined specific areas in which the tension of the song would build or drop. This helped me to keep thinking about shot size to match the song. I believe this helped me significantly and was the main reason why the music video came out the way it did.

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