Saturday, 15 November 2014

Editing - Colour Grading

During the colour grading process I was trying to ask myself what look I wanted. I decided I wanted a really cinematic look, and keeping the same theme throughout all locations.

To achieve this cinematic look I firstly boosted the contrast slightly and dropped the saturation. this instantly gave a cinematic feel. I wanted to achieve what the post production in 'Wiz Khalifa - We Dem Boyz' achieved.

I applied this and this is the difference in feel by just applying these two adjustments..

Before contrast and saturation adjust..

After contrast and saturation adjust..

I then started to work on the colour. Through my research I found out that to get a really good cinematic feel you have to bring the yellow/browns out to give it that film tint. This mixed with the previous adjustments really payed off to create the mood I was going for in my music video.

Before Colour Adjust..

After Colour Adjust..

Throughout the video I decided I could start changing the mood through colour grading. This would help support the storyline, what is going on and what mood it portrays. To achieve this I decided to drop the exposure down towards the outro of the song. This gradually made the video darker, corresponding to the characters moods and actions. I also dropped the saturation. The contrast between the colourful start and the colourless ending symbolises the relationship turning bad, spiralling out of control. The colour corresponds with this really working in the edit. Here are the comparisons between the grading from the start and the end..

Happy Scenes..

Darker Scenes..

With the clips at the start, to represent a 'memory' I decided to put it in black and white and to boost the highlights. This blows the highlights of the fire. I also added a vignette to the image. All these grading techniques  represented a memory and seperated the main image mood from this, clearly representing that the girl is missing whatever she had with this boy. This technique leaves the audience wondering why he isn't there and why it is a memory. Here is the difference in colour before I added this grading dream technique..

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